目前分類:卡夫卡《負責任講座》 (103)

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  • Jul 05 Thu 2007 14:59
  • 傾聽



我是卡夫卡 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

當然Drew Barrymore很重點,我欣賞她,覺得肉肉的很可愛。也看她演的電影,尤其是之前跟亞當山德勒演的【婚禮歌手】【我的失憶女友】這幾部,簡直完全投我所好,帶有喜劇效果又在結局浪漫的電影,配上她有點傻妞的形象,印象深刻。

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Mr. Snow has been the main proponent of the US administration's gentle diplomacy on the current flexibility while opposing efforts to force it to move more rapidly。“It's the right approach,it is the course best calculated to reach the result of movement to flexibility ”He added:“I don't think they respond very well to threats”

The problem is that China's timetable for gradual reform may not satisfy demands in the US Congress for immediate action .“The fundamental issue here with us and the Chinese is the pace with which they move. We know they can't go all the way there tomorrow.”

Andrew Balls/Edward Alden 2005/11/3

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